Fall Term
ETM 501 Fundamentals of Energy
Instructors: Murat Kaya
Demand, global supply, advantages, disadvantages, related costs and environmental impact of fossil fuels (oil, natural gas and coal), renewable resources (wind, solar, hydro, biomass and geothermal) and nuclear energy. Current status, as well as historical use and projections of each resource. Fundamentals of electricity and hydrogen supply chains. -
ETM 524 Fundamentals of Energy
Instructor: Emre Erdem
In this course, the fundamental concepts related to energy; such as different types of energy (such as mechanical, chemical, light, heat, electrical), power, conversion efficiency and thermodynamics will be introduced. Uses of energy in everyday life such as heating, lighting, transportation and appliances will be given in physical concepts from the very basic concepts of Science. The working mechanisms of fossil fuel and renewable energy technologies, as well as of energy storage will be processed taking into account their physical theories. Basic physical connections that put limits on technology will be discussed and new developments that will overcome these limits will be explained. Physics, chemistry of main energy technologies and their relation with engineering design will be given at the most basic level. In addition, advanced topics ranging from nano-technological developments, solid state materials, fuel cells, wind, solar, photovoltaics, batteries, supercapacitors as well as the principles of manufacturing quantum computers will be discussed. -
ETM 515 Fossil Fuel Technologies
Instructor: Gürşat Altun
Oil and natural gas exploration, drilling and production operations. Oil and natural gas reserve estimates and characterization. Reserves and resources. Unconventional hydrocarbon sources and production techniques; shale oil, shale gas, heavy oil and bitumen, hydrates. Refining, oil prices, reference oils. Transportation of oil and natural gas. Coal formation, reserves, mining and classification. Coal-derived methane gas, underground gasification of coal. Use of geothermal energy resources. - ETM 517 Renewable Energy Systems
Instructor: Ömer Emre Orhan
Technical details about renewable energy (wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, biomass/ bioenergy, storage). Basic renewable energy equations and calculations based on different energy sources. Fundamentals leading to technical comprehension of how these sources are being used. Details about different renewable energy technology equipment. - ETM 521 Power System Essentials: Historical,
Engineering and Emerging Aspects
Instructor: Barış Sanlı
In this course, the basic power system concepts are introduced with historical, engineering and technological perspectives and events that shaped them. From AC-DC wars to first transmission lines and early metering systems, the power system we use today has been deeply molded by the historical developments and technological “path dependence”. More complicated engineering concepts for power system operation will be discussed with case studies based on US and European blackouts. The technologies and their capabilities are the enablers and bottlenecks for the power system operation we have today. The course will be based on case studies to smoothen the understanding of the engineering concepts. - ETM 502 Environment, Climate Change and Social
Instructor: Ümit Şahin
What is anthropocene and how do the human impact on the planet and ecosystems evolve? Science and policy aspects of environmental problems and climate change; post-normal science; ways of consensus in the scientific community; climate change denial campaigns. Basics of climate science and impacts of climate change. Climate policies, mitigation, risk reduction and adaptation. Carbon budget, low-carbon energy transition and decarbonization of the energy systems. International climate politics. Energy efficiency, renewables and transformation of the energy policies in the wake of global climate change. Air pollution, water scarcity and sustainability of the energy systems.
- ETM 518 Energy and Mobility
Instructor: Tuğçe Yüksel
Fundamentals of the transportation technology. Low-carbon and sustainable transport. Energy and mobility interaction. Environmental effects of transportation. Smart and integrated mobility solutions and their prospective effects in energy use and security. Current and future transportation policies, their economic, societal and environmental interactions. - ETM 527 Data analytics applications in energy
Instructors: Volkan Yiğit and Ozan Korkmaz
Data Analytics in the Energy Industry: Role of data analytics in the energy industry, data types, data pre-processing and cleaning. Electricity Demand, Generation and Price Forecasting: Forecast methods for demand, generation (for different types of sources) and price. Machine Learning Applications for the Energy Industry: Case studies. Data Analytics in Energy Trading Operations: Grid management and intraday trading - ETM 504 Energy Markets
Instructors: Serkan Şahin and Burak Yitgin
Energy market relations and models. Power markets: participants, operation, load management. Bilateral contracts, day-ahead market, balancing market, ancillary services market. Regional markets, export and import. Financial markets and products. Natural gas market operations, supply markets. Introduction to price forecasting models. - ETM 508 Finance of Energy Projects
Instructor: Ayça İlkuçan
Energy Financing methodologies centered around corporate finance and project finance is the focal point of the course. Up-to-date and international practices of energy financing, based on energy sources, type of projects, energy market structures and financing structures are explained. Risk management, financial structuring, financial product selection and pricing specialized for energy project and market needs are shared. Energy financing cases for both energy production & distribution in conventional & renewable energy from Turkey and abroad are studied, finance models, project risk matrices and project mapping are prepared in case studies. The course provides both profound theoretical knowledge and experience sharing uplifted with case studies and energy finance professionals as guest speakers. - ETM 506 Energy Regulations and Law
Instructor: Cengiz Güneş
General structure of energy markets, market actors, physical and trade relations. Power market activities, boundaries and obligations. Pre-license and license processes, unlicensed production. Legal framework and investment models for power production. Legal framework and characteristics of transmission and other activities. Legal framework for the power grid and the right to connect. Regulations about renewable power resources. Security of supply and capacity mechanisms. Government subsidies, incentives and their effects on power markets. Privatization: legal framework, regulation and models. International agreements (e.g., TANAP) and regulation. Project financing and regulation. Auditing: Legal framework for sanctions and legal mechanisms. Discussions on current issues, case studies and contract analyses.
- ETM 509 Project Management in Energy
Eğitmenler: Timothy Kiessling and Afgan Guliyev
Project life cycle and processes, project selection, project financing, project definition. Project planning and scheduling, project execution and control, risk and resource planning. Managing change through projects, managing Research and Development (R&D) projects, managing new product development (NPD) projects. Commercialization of R&D and NPD projects. Leadership and organization for project management. - ETM 520 Investment and Strategy in Energy
Instructors: Başak Avcı and Bora Şekip Güray
The energy ecosystem. International energy investments, investing firms, current situation and trends. Investment strategies and criteria of firms. Turkey’s strategy for attracting investments and its global competitiveness. Government incentives and support mechanisms. - ETM 525 Energy Geopolitics
Instructor: Ahmet Evin
Global impact of policies adopted by leading resource producing and consuming countries. Energy security and geopolitics. Case studies on the geopolitical and economic impacts of current political and technological developments. - ETM 528 Energy Storage Technologies
Eğitmen: Muhsin Mazman
General review on energy and energy storage requirements. Basic concepts in energy storage, situation in the world, market and energy storage methods. Electrical energy storage and techniques. Electrical energy storage applications. Batteries (redox, Pb-acid, NiMH, Li-ion, LiS NaS, Na-ion, solid state batteries etc.), from cell to battery grid scale energy storage. Business models of grid scale energy storage. Energy storage legislation and its implementation. Thermal energy storage and applications. - ETM 592 Project Course
Students are expected to apply the knowledge and skills they gained in the ETM program courses in a project. The project topic is determined by the student, based on his or her professional and personal interests. The project is conducted under the guidance of a supervisor with expertise on the chosen topic domain, and is expected to be completed by the end of the summer semester.